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Global Maritime Fuel Solutions

Custom Price & Voyage Management

Part of a successful voyage is always a meticulously planned fuel management strategy. We offer to guide and consult you and your operators to make financially sound decisions and maximise the profits generated on your voyage.

Pricing Solutions & Risk Management

We firmly believe that stormy waters make a good sailor but equally can’t stress the need for secure hedging and price management tools. Whether you wish to maintain flexible and lock in a formula floating price or prefer knowing your result from the get-go and book a fixed price months ahead, we got you covered either way.

Fuel Quality & Advisory Services

We offer our customers access to our wide network of laboratories to discuss worldwide fuel qualities, obtain professional insights on latest trends and guidance.

Fuel Brokerage

As an independent trading house we offer our customers both, back 2 back trading under our terms & conditions or fully transparent brokerage solutions where we provide a full market picture for a commission. We guarantee the best buying price we can possibly achieve and buyers decide themselves which suppliers offer the best price and terms for their voyage.

“We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.”

– Aristotle Onassis